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The Lego Game Sprint 1

Before the game begins, the Product Owner must prioritize the stories for each

sprint. At the start of the first sprint the Product Owner passes out the story

cards for that sprint.



Participants can play with Legos to get a better idea of how they work. They will

be unable to keep what they build. This is a "spike" and is a useful way to gather

more information about the difficulty of a task. Spikes can happen at any stage.



Choose stories to work on using the estimates and customer input. Sign-up for

the work that you think can be finished in the time frame allocated for




This is where actual development happens. Product Owners should have access

to Product Owner Sheet.

QA / Showcase


Product Owner runs through acceptance criteria for all completed stories.

Product Owners or Participants should, ideally, write bugs on cards and add

them to the list of User Stories.



Some topics may include:

1.        Lack of questions asked during estimation and planning, leading to

time-consuming Q&A sessions during development

2.        Vague stories not being clarified with the Product Owner

3.        If the domain is new (e.g. Lego) then spikes might have helped them

clarify the estimates.

4.        Discuss ability to complete estimation and sign up in allotted time.

5.        Ask customer how he/she is feeling- satisfied, disappointed, included,

excluded, etc.

6.        Discussion of how team organized work- parallel development, paired

development, etc.

7.        Explain concept of velocity

At the end of the retrospective, elicit ideas about what is needed to go forward

given the information collected about the past. Introduce the concept of

VELOCITY. The last part of the retrospective should highlight the Business Value

attained and Velocity of each team. Discuss the importance of not comparing one

team's velocity with the others.