Standing Up
Phrasing None of the phrases used in this script are set in stone. Some people use “meeting time, sounds off” to ask people to indicate their presence. Others prefer to phrase things in a different way.
Raising hands during the discussion A few emoticons that are commonly used to indicate someone has a point or issue to raise in the discussion sprint of standups:
*o* = nothing to say
*o/ = I have something to discuss
\o/ = Here! Here! Here! I have something urgent!
It’s generally recommended to treat \o/ like a regular *o/
An example Stand Up
{Host} It’s standup time everybody, please indicate your presence ... Host waits for people to say something ...
{Engineer 3} hi
{Engineer 1} here
{Engineer 2} hello ... Host waits some more, Engineer 4 is not responding ...
{Host} Is Engineer 4 working today?
{Engineer 1} No, he’s off ill
{Host} Ok. Order: Host, Engineer 3, Engineer 1, Engineer 2
{Host} \#\# Lesley Engineeryface
{Host} \* Done - S6712: Get some cake made \* Today - S6713: Eat some cake \#\# Jon Smith
{Engineer 3} \* Done - S1234: Do this and that - S4321: Do that other thing that needed to be done \* Today - S5235: Debug this problem we’re having - S1235: Fix that bug in software X \* Points - Hardware is dysfunctional, might need replacing \#\# Flavia MacGrizzlie
{Engineer 1} \* Done - S5444: Build a system to deploy to the hardware S3311: Write some documentation for the customer A couple of meetings to discuss the next steps Today - S4123: Write meeting report S1111: Document API for software X
{Engineer 2} \#\# Stewart Rod Done Nothing, had yesterday off Today: S5930: Test functionality Y in software X Points: I’m a bit short on tasks, can we do some planning? \# Discussion
{Host} Ok, we’ll first discuss the points you’ve raised Engineer 3, what are the problems with the board?
{Engineer 3} It randomly crashes, I’m suspecting damaged memory
{Host} Can you email me a summary of the problem so that I can forward it to the customer to ask for a replacement?
{Engineer 3} Sure!
{Host} Engineer 2, unfortunately we have a tight schedule, so we cannot do planning today. Please check with the others about what you can do to help and we’ll do some planning tomorrow
{Engineer 2} Ok, no problem
{Host} Are there any other points to discuss?
{Engineer 2} o/
{Engineer 3} o/
{Host} Engineer 2, go ahead
{Engineer 2} I’m getting a haircut around lunchtime, so I might be unavailable for about 1 1/2 hours
{Host} Ok, that shouldn’t be a problem, just make sure nobody is waiting for you on something
{Engineer 2} Will do
{Host} Engineer 3, your turn
{Engineer 3} This only just came to my mind: if we send my hardware off to get a replacement, we only have a single board to work with. That will impact our productivity. Can we get some spares with the replacement perhaps to not have this bottleneck again in the future?
{Host} I’ll create a card for the Portia McManager to ask for that.
{Host} Anything else? ... Host waits 20-30 seconds ...
{Host} If not, I suggest we end the standup in 5 ... Host waits 2 seconds ...
{Host} 4 ... Host waits 2 seconds ...
{Host} 3 ... Host waits 2 seconds ...
{Host} 2 ... Host waits 2 seconds ...
{Host} 1... Host waits 2 seconds ...
{Host} Meeting ends ... A few moments/minutes later ...
{Host} Meeting minutes uploaded: http://url/to/the/minutes